Wind power in winter landscape

About Wind Power

Wind power is expanding significantly. It is growing all over the world, and Sweden is no exception. Over SEK 100 billion, that is how much is invested in wind power in Sweden between 2017 and 2023. Of those 100 billion, 15 billion are estimated to be invested in Jämtland Härjedalen. Compared to the rest of Europe, Sweden, together with Norway, doubtlessly has the best wind locations. Strong and even winds blow here, which is in demand when wind power plants are to be built. We also have large areas that are not populated or built on in Jämtland Härjedalen, which makes our area even more attractive. Jämtland Härjedalen is about the same size as Denmark and currently there are as many landborne wind turbines as there are in the entirety of Sweden. We definitely have room for more! Yet it is not the amount of wind turbines that is important, but the effect they can give. Today there are approximately 4,500 wind turbines in Sweden. According to an assessment from the Swedish Wind Energy Association, we will have no more than around 4,000-5,000 plants by 2040. The wind turbines in the parks in Jämtland Härjedalen that are scheduled to be operational in 2021/2022 have twice as much power as the power plants that were commissioned in 2019. With larger and more efficient wind turbines, the cost of the produced electricity decreases. Today, electricity from new wind power is the cheapest type of energy to produce in Sweden, without any subsidies. About 30 öre per kilowatt hour. Our largest wind farm is located in Munkflohöjden/Åskälen with over 100 wind turbines. In 2021, we have four more major parks starting operations. Skaftåsen, Raftsjöhöjden, Åndberg and Håcksjön which have between 11 and 53 turbines per park but where a majority of the parks have more efficient turbines which provides high production. For the electricity-intensive industry, it is important to find areas where wind power grows and establishes itself. Here we see renewable energy sources as a whole – for example Jämtland Härjedalen is first to launch a strategy – Roadmap for Green Hydrogen. The summary of the report gives a positive image of continued development in the region. With good wind locations, clear political direction, and cost-effective electricity production, Jämtland Härjedalen’s wind power initiative is long-term and sustainable.