We offer high-quality and ready-to-build industrial land for your business

Vi erbjuder högkvalitativ och byggklar industrimark för din verksamhet


(389 hectares)

Location: 569 km NW Stockholm

Site owner ~389 ha: Krokom Municipality

Railroad between Kristinehamn and Gällivare passes over the site.

Krokom Municipality is also owner of the red areas. The dached red area are Krokom Municipality in negotiation with landowners.

Redundant road access.


• Approx 300 MW, from 2035

• Trondheim: E14 260 km, train 3:40 h
• Sundsvall: E14 190 km, train 2:30 h
• Arlanda: air 1:00 h
• Airport: 25 km (28 min)
• Train station: 16 km (18 min)